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  What are the routine activities that old people and young people in your country do? Generally, young people enjoy eating out, watching movies, going to KTV, or just hanging out on

  the street(在街上闲逛) to spend their leisure time. While the old indulge themselves in(沉迷) Majiang and square dance. Interestingly, if you carefully analyze the difference of the routine activities between the youth and the old, you will find out that young people are more willing to join in the activities that are easier to meet with new people, while the old generation tend to stay in their circle and play with those old friends.

  What's the routine of people in your country?

  In general, people work or study at daytime and dine together(聚餐) with friends or family in the evening. Recently, ordering take-out food and eating with friends at home are also quite popular. Between 10-12 o'clock in the evening, people begin to disengage from the day(从白天的工作抽离 出来) and enter into sleep.

  What do you like to do in your spare time?

  I'm wild about night running. From my perspective, night running can not only keep fit, but also relieve me from the stressful life( 从白天的压力中解脱) at daytime. I have developed the hobby to run 3-4 times a week and normally run 4-5 kilometers at a time. What's more, I developed one of my friends to be my night running partner. Unlike normal partners, we don't live that close. As a result, we start to run at the same time and encounter each other on the halfway, which really motivates me to run with expectation.



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