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  What kinds of jobs are difficult to do?

  As far as I am concerned, the creative kind of jobs is the most difficult to do, such as musicians, writers, designers and so forth, because people who are involved in such works(做这种工作的人) need to have a sharp eye on the public's taste(公众品味). Furthermore, they need to innovate based on it, which means they need to create special stuff that would either enlighten the public(启蒙大 众) or surprise the public(让人眼前一亮), making the public to consider that these group of designers are special in a good way(与众不同). On the other hand, innovation usually requires inspiration, which is hard to obtain. A person needs a broad experience and abundant knowledge to allow him or her to innovate.

  Do you think it would be beneficial to provide training to employees?

  Yes, I do think that appropriate training is very important in today's company. In the first place, a bunch of(许多) high-tech products are applied in many companies, and the speed for these products to update is increasing at a rate of knot(以空前迅猛的速度更新换代). It is possible that a pile of unnecessary troubles would appear(出现不必要的麻烦) if employees are not aware of using these products in the right way. On top of that, other kinds of training are also fairly significant. Workers can sharpen their skills or improve their abilities in different aspects(不同方面的能力) through attending courses in these training programs, and this will make them more competitive in today's turbulent employment markets(形势不稳定的就业市场).

  Do you think robots would replace human workers in the future?

  I think from where the human beings are at the present, this has already been a trend, which is hard to turn blind to(不得不承认的趋势). Examples can be seen in some refreshment industries(娱乐 产业), the work of leading and ordering in some restaurants have already been taken over(接管) by AI systems. But to some extent(在某种程度上), I don't think that robots will completely take place of human labor, especially in some fields that creative thinking is required, like literature or music.

  AI is advantageous over(比……优越) human brains in respect of calculating, I doubt that they would dominate(掌控) jobs related to emotional expression.

  Is it easy to find well-paid jobs in your country?

  I think this could be a world puzzle(世界难题), haha. In my opinion, if you know the situation in China, I think the job hunting market(应聘市场) is really tough here, since we got this super large population(人口基数大). Well, generally speaking, individuals with some working experience and a high degree have the advantage to find a well-paid job, because this kind of people is more likely to apply for the manager or operator or even CEO of a company. They really have a comparatively higher starting point(工作起点较高), if you know what I mean. And for those who just graduated from universities, it's rather hard for them to find a well-paid job. You know, they have to start from the basic stuff.



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