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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person


  Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person You should say:

  Who this person is

  How you knew about this person What this person does

  And explain why you want to meet this person

  她是一名美国的年轻歌手,我曾经因为听了她一首歌而爱上了这个歌手。她坚持自己写歌、自己创作, 她写的歌总是十分贴近生活,有的是关于家庭的,有的是关于爱情的,有的是关于青春的,我想见她不仅 是因为我喜欢她的歌,更是因为我觉得音乐把我们两个的距离拉近了,她不像是一个素未蒙面的陌生人, 更像是一个邻居家的大姐姐,我们有着相似的生活轨迹和思考方式,

  I want to meet Taylor Swift. She is a famous American singer. I found myself in love with her(发现 自己爱上她) music when I happened to(偶然间) listen to one of her songs. That particular song is about youth and love which is very close to my own life(贴近生活). She insists on writing(insist on doing坚持做某事) her own songs. Some of them are about family, some are about love and others about youth. All in all, I think her songs are very down to earth(贴近生活;务实). It's very easy to understand because it happens in our lives too. Maybe because we share similar ages(年龄相仿), I think her songs mirror my life(映射了我的生活). The lyrics are very impressive and resonate with my own feelings(引起了我的共鸣). And also, I know she keeps many cats(养猫). I always believe that pet lovers(喜欢宠物的人) are sensitive people. I also love dogs and cats so I have an even more good impression of her. I want to meet her in person not only because that I like her songs, but also because that I feel music brings us closer to each other(音乐拉近了我们之间的距离). Music is a common language regardless of your nationality, your religion, your gender, etc. So, to me, she does not feel like a stranger. She's more like a neighbor who shares her life with me using music. We live a similar life and we share each other ups and downs(分享酸甜苦辣). I want to meet her in person because she has talked about her life, and now, in turn, I want to talk about mine.



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