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  Describe an occasion when you invite your family of friends to dinner.


  Describe an occasion

  when you invite your family of friends to dinner

  You should say:

  When you invited them

  Where you had the dinner

  Why you invited them

  And explain how you felt about this person

  高中毕业时,我邀请了高中朋友在家里聚餐,为了庆祝大家高中毕业,成功升入大学。我觉得这次聚会 很开心,也很伤感,开心在大家三年的努力得到了回报,伤感是因为大家就要分离了。

  When it comes to an occasion when I invite my family or friends to dinner, I would like to talk about one evening when I invited my high school friends to my apartment, which was a pleasant yet sentimental (伤感的) experience. For almost every Chinese student, the three years in middle high school are always one of the toughest, yet (同时,表转折) most rewarding years of one's life. Similar to my peers, I was absorbed in a variety of textbooks and exercise books and was deprived of (被剥夺) any holidays or even Saturdays. After three years of intensive study and countless exams, I finally completed the Gaokao Exams, which led my way to university. In order to celebrate our graduation from college, I invited all my friends from my high school to my flat upon graduation (毕业时), where we had a very special homemade dinner prepared by ourselves. During the dinner, we talked a lot about our life moments over the past three years, making jokes of our own stories while sending our best wishes for each others' endeavors. At the end of the evening, we made a promise that our friendship shall last forever and that everyone should come back for a special dinner just like this every year. I felt that this occasion was pleasant, but somehow sentimental. On the one hand, it was a celebration of our past accomplishments and a goodwill to our future endeavors. On the other hand, it was also a signal of each others' departure, meaning that it would be difficult to have reunion after this dinner.



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