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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel


  Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel You should say:

  When it happened Where it happened

  Who you were with at that time

  And explain what impacts this breakdown had

  在大学毕业后的暑假,我曾和高三的同学们一起坐车去深圳旅游。在从广州通往深圳的高速公路上,我 们所坐的大巴突然爆胎,司机立即开启危险报警闪光灯,将车辆停靠在紧急停车带上,并在车后150米处 放置警告标志牌,虽然我和同学们没有受伤,但行程却因此受到了严重影响,我们比原定计划迟了几个小 时才到达目的地。

  I went on a trip to Shenzhen, a major southern city in Guangdong Province, with my college classmates in the summer vacation right after my college graduation. It was a fairly exciting journey at first, but unfortunately, the bus we were on got a flat tire(车辆爆胎) by accident on the highway from Guangzhou to Shenzhen. Thankfully, the calm driver immediately turned on the warning light(警示灯), pulled the bus over to(把巴士停靠在) the emergency parking strip and put a warning sign 150 meters behind the bus to alarm other cars that came by. Once the car was pulled over and no serious safety issues was found, the driver called the police and informed us of what went wrong. My classmates and I were relieved as soon as we were told that nothing serious happened in the accident. We then called our parents to assure them that we were safe and sound(安然无恙). Although no one was injured as a result of the accident, our travel schedule was seriously delayed to the extent that it took us a couple of hours more than planned to arrive at the destination. We had to reschedule our trip to fit our busy calendar(繁忙的日程). Eventually, as it turned out, the flat tire did not ruin our trip. Instead, it made our trip more like an adventure and thus became an anecdote that my classmates and I often talk about when we gather together. All

  in all, the trip was still fantastic and we all enjoyed it.



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