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  Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online

  You should say:

  Where you watched it What it was like

  How often you watched it How you liked it

  And explain how you liked/disliked it

  我看过中国诗词大会。我是在去年的暑假看的,是一个通过诗词知识的问答形式来促进大家对中国诗词 了解的电视节目。我几乎每天晚上观看,十分喜欢它,因为我认为这个节目可以让我更深入了解中国诗词 和文化,不同于其他没有文化意义的综艺,有利于中国文化的传播。

  A quiz program or game show I have watched on TV is the Chinese Poetry Conference, a quiz television program featuring Chinese poetry and culture. From my memory, it was during the last summer holiday that I frequently watched the program. Gathering youths from universities and their early careers, the program consists of (包含了) multiple rounds of quiz competitions regarding Chinese poetry and culture, during which contestants competed with one another for the championship. The program also involved well-known scholars in Chinese poetry, who served as honorable judges and guests in the competitions. During the whole summer, I was so amazed by(惊艳于) the quiz program that I watched it almost every evening, absorbing myself in the world of poetry and Chinese culture. When it comes to the degree to which I liked the program, I would say I cannot love it more(不能更喜欢,表十分喜欢)! Although it has been a year since I watched it, some of its episodes and highlights are still lingering in my mind. If I had to name the reasons for which I adored it so much, I would say it was its uniqueness that most appeals to me. In other words, unlike other game shows or quiz programs, Chinese Poetry Conference doesn't rely on celebrities. Instead, it focused on the promotion of Chinese culture and Chinese poetry, which brought huge benefits to society. In addition, personally speaking, I became a fan of the program because I could learn more about Chinese poetry, and the way it presented the magnificence of Chinese culture was really amazing!



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