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  Describe a park/garden you like visiting

  You should say:

  Where the park/garden is

  When you visit it

  What the park/garden is like

  And explain why you like visiting it

  我很喜欢北京的团结湖公园。它位于北京市东部的朝阳区,在CBD的旁边。去年暑假,我在北京CBD的一家公司实习,中午吃完饭后喜欢和其他实习生一起到公园散步。公园不大,但是有一个湖,有许多树木 和锻炼的老人。我喜欢这个公园,因为它在闹中取静,让我在工作之余可以让身心得到休息,有利于下午 的工作。

  A park that I enjoyed visiting is the park of Tuanjie Lake, which is a pretty and tranquil (宁静的) park located in central Beijing. Last summer holiday, I applied for an internship in a marketing company, and was luckily accepted. During my 2 month stay in Beijing for the internship, I was quite unprepared and once failed to adopt to the work pace in the company. Having studied in university for almost three years without any practical experience, I found real-life work within a large corporation to be stressful and difficult. Well, such stressfulness came to an end one day, when I found a very peaceful park named the Tuanjie Lake Park, which is just adjacent to the central business district (中央商务区) of Beijing, an area in which my company was located in. After this great discovery, I came to that park almost daily, during the noon break when I finished lunch. The park was hidden in the corner of the CBD area, surrounded by several office buildings. As you could imagine, it wasn't a large park, but I did enjoy its unique peace. Located right in the buzzing center of Beijing, the park is blessed with (享有,拟人手法) a sizable lake, a lush forest, and a bunch of elders who always play Tai Chi making the park a casual and refreshing place. I did enjoy visiting it because it offered me a precious opportunity to relax and become better prepared for a busy afternoon.



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