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  How can people be motivated to learn new things?

  From my perspective, one tends to be stimulated and is more likely to make up his or her mind(决定) to learn something new when they witness the achievement others gained(见证别人获得的成果) from learning novel(新奇的) things. Besides, obtaining achievements after a short period of study will also promote one to keep learning in this new field(在新的领域).

  What are the skills that you wanted to learn?

  I want to learn how to speak before audiences(当众演讲). This skill is important whenever making oral defense(论文答辩) or presenting PowerPoint in front of the public. What's more, the capability for logical self-expression is a significant skill to manifest our competence(体现自身能力), which really does good to us after we set foot on society and helps us better set up interpersonal harmony.

  What can children learn from teachers and parents?

  In school, children can learn not only knowledge from teachers but also the method of learning(学习方法) effectively. While at home, parents should be responsible for teaching them the way to dealing with different issues and the skills to get along with others. From my perspective, learning the method of treating people morally and handling different circumstances in a rational way tops the list. That's why in some aspect home education is much more important than school learning.

  4.What skills do adults need to have?

  Adults should learn to be independent and find their feet(独当一面). To be accurate, adults are supposed to adjust themselves rapidly, be less sentimental(少情绪化) and be more solution–oriented(结果导向) when problems pop up(突然出现). To achieve these skills, adults should always stimulate themselves to set out of their comfort zones. There's a saying that whatever doesn't kill us can make us stronger. I believe every suffer moments make sense to us in the end. Not until adults are learn to be experienced and independent did they grow up to be mature.

  5.What skills should be taught to children?

  From my perspective, children should be instructed to better express themselves, which includes how to raise up their questions timely, how to put forward their requirements properly and how to decline the requests they are unable to do politely. (对称句式) It is because after growing up and setting foot on society, a person capable of expressing himself or herself is more likely to find the position and be valued whenever in work or in life. On the other hand, an expressive person tends to have a good command of interpersonal skills and a larger circle of friendship



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