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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  How do you deal with items you don't use any more?

  Normally I will sell them out on second-hand apps like Xianyu or 58. From my perspective, those useless items take up too much room(占用太多空间). That's why I won't keep them except some memorable things. Alternatively, I will exchange those useless goods with my friends' as well. This method not only helps both of us to deal with things of no use and save space, but also brings us a sense of happiness from exchanging "gifts".

  Do you pay attention to environmental protection?

  Yes, I really consider environmental protection of leading importance(很重要的). Usually I will collect the packaging to the street waste recycling station. Meanwhile, I often reuse those cartons to avoid wasting. Because deforestation can be decreased(减少树木砍伐) if we can reuse those card-board boxes made from trees, thus protecting the environment.

  Do you care about the pollution caused by packaging?

  Yes I always keep a watchful eye(关注) on this topic. Frankly speaking, appropriate packaging(适度 包装) is of necessity(很重要). However, over packaging wastes too much unnecessary cost indeed(确实), thus bringing negative influence on the environment. For me I really appreciate those brands that focusing on frustration-free packaging(简洁包装), such as Aesop. I will reuse the packaging to reduce the waste as well.

  Do people in your country care about waste classification?

  I don't think people are paying too much attention on this topic. Although garbage classification is set up for every public dustbins, few people classify the rubbishes to corresponding bins(将垃圾分 类到对应的垃圾桶). Normally they just randomly throw the waste to whatever(任意的) garbage cans they want. To tell the truth, I think this phenomenon is due to people's not having a general idea of how garbage should be identified into different classification.

  Are you an impulsive customer?

  No, I'm kind of rational(理智的) person. Before shopping, usually I will list out what I want to buy. If something I like pops up(突然出现) to me, I will ask myself two questions: whether I really need it and whether it is really suitable to me. If both of the answer is Yes, I will pick it up then.



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