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  What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?

  Those pretty girls and handsome boys tend to be concerned about their abilities. Normally, people consider that good-looking person will relax his or her will to fight(松懈努力), which may lead to incapability(导致无能). Besides, once they make mistakes, others are more likely to associate being pretty with incompetence(认为好看的人没有能力).

  What do people in your country think of beauty?

  People in my country consider it very important to be beautiful. It is due to the reason that(强调句) we are more likely to interact and communicate with those good-looking people. Being beautiful also makes people more accessible to(更容易获得) convenience and kindness in life. That's why people are all devoted themselves to becoming beautiful.

  Do you think children should learn how to dress well?

  I think it's necessary. Learning how to dress prompts children to build up self-confidence(帮助他们 建立自信心). Because a well-dressed girl or boy is more likely to leave a good first impression on others. As a result, children tend to be more confident while facing others, thus(从而) helping them to socialize smoothly.

  Is it easy to become beautiful?

  I think it's not very difficult. Girls are able to be more beautiful by doing make-ups and finding out own dressing styles. For boys, they are suggested to keep neatly dressed(保持整洁) and join the gym to improve their appearance.



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