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  Do you think advertisements aimed at children should be endorsed by famous people?

  I don't think it's necessary, because children are naive and too young to tell good from bad. It's hard to say whether they are attracted by the product itself or just by the endorsement of famous people. By simply seeing famous people on advertisements they may feel the desire to pay for the product, but in fact they may have no interest at all for the product itself. This can waste their parents' money. So I think advertisements aimed at children should focus on the product and no be endorsed by famous people.

  What kind of famous people do children like?

  Children are fond of famous people of similar age. They are better to be students as. well. For instance, many students from primary school and middle school are crazy. for TFboys in recent years. The reason is that there is a certain resonance between. peers. The peer influence can be very strong because they share same hobbies and. stay in the same stage of life. As a result, children are willing to recognize famous. people of similar age to be their idols.

  Can you compare the past and the present of children's life?

  Children in the past did not have many choices of entertainment. They had no electronic devices such as ipad, ps4 or Nintendo switch. Neither could their parents afford to take them to travel. However, they could spend childhood free of any worries with their friends in the neighborhood. They could play a lot of games on the street and had a vivid memory of childhood. By contrast, there are too many activities and entertainments for children. The video games they can play on electronic devices are unlimited. But they undergo heavier pressure from study.

  What good qualities do famous people have?

  Famous people have ability to handle great pressure. Their tiny mistakes can be exaggerated under the camera and in the limelight by their audience. Only do they have strong anti-pressure ability can they survive the critic. Besides, famous people also have good social skills. They usually have higher emotional quotient then normal people because they need to interact with others all the time to raise profile. In the meantime, they need to be careful not to say something wrong.



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