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  1.Which one is more important to you at work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisors?

  For me it is more important to develop work related skills at work. Because I put more weight on my practical skills at work. If my work-related skills get developed and improved, I can handle problems at work more easily and be more efficient. Besides, I think recognition from supervisors is the outcome of improvement of work-related skills. It comes naturally when I do better at work. 2.Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?

  I think managers can be friends with their subordinates. Friendly relationship enables them to understand each other's work. Better understanding in return is beneficial for increasing efficiency at work. Being amicable with team members is a great way to encourage communication and to motivate. Additionally, being friends with subordinates can make the working environment more relaxed and increase employee's happiness.

  3.What kinds of people do you like to work with?

  I'd like to work with people with a good sense of responsibility. Because I can feel at ease with people of responsibility. They take ownership naturally of their wok and won't put pressure on others. In addition, people with responsibility do not have procrastination and do not miss deadlines easily, and most of them have enthusiasm about their wok. They seldom complain about their work. This kind of people can earn my trust and I'd like to work with them.



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