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  Why do some people like to collect things?

  Collecting is a process of fun, creation and accomplishment. Collectors would grow their collections from scratch and witnessing the growth would give people a sense of accomplishment. Moreover, keeping collections is also fun. In order to collect, they need to search for things in different places. It is like an adventure and every joyful adventure ends with a newly found item for collection. This is why people like to collect things.

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collections?

  One one hand, it brings you joy; on the other hand, it might be money-consuming. Keeping collections is fun because you witness it to grow from zero and this brings a sense of satisfaction. It is also exciting to find a new item for collection every time. However, it usually would cost a considerable amount of money especially when the items for collecting is expensive. This might be a great burden for collectors.

  What do you like to collect?

  I like to collect coins from different countries. They are distinctive. Some coins have the countries' historical celebrities on them and some are printed with national landmarks. The design is also various, which adds my interest to them. Moreover, I would dig into the history of each coin through online research and that deepens my understand of the country's history. Personally, this is a great way to be familiar with each country's history.

  Do people collect things for maintaining memories?

  In my opinion, some people collect things for maintaining memories. For example, I have heard people collect items from their different periods of life to document their growing path. Every item represents memories from different periods. Some are happy memories and some are painful.Moreover, some people would collect things from the countries they have visited to honor their journey.



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