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  What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing outdoor sports?

  The advantage of outdoor activities is to give us the chance to observe nature(亲近自然) and take a deep breath of air (呼吸新鲜空气) to relax. At the same time, disadvantages also exist. For example, compared to indoor activities, outdoor sports contain uncertainty(包含不确定性) and might lead to danger. That's why we must be sure to take exercise on the premise of(在..前提下) safety.

  What kind of outdoor sports are popular in your country?

  As far as I know, skiing and diving are becoming prevalent trends(流行趋势) in recent years. People are obsessed with the feeling of excitement when skiing with high speed from top to bottom and the feeling of freshness when exploring the underwater world(句式对称). With the improvement of living standard, people are putting more and more emphasis on physical and mental relax. So no wonder outdoor activity is becoming a big hit.

  What sports involve teamwork?

  Many ball games like football and basketball involve teamwork. Because a team, in its entirety(作为一个整体), should unite together and everyone in the team are supposed to perform their duties(各 司其职) to gain success. Otherwise regardless of teamwork(不顾团队合作), one will never catch up with those focusing on team cooperation. To fulfill this, the coach of a team plays an important role to set up correct mind setting to all the team members that team honor should always top the list.



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