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  What can doctors do to help people solve health-related problems?

  There are a variety of ways to help people. To be specific, doctors can arrange regular health examination for patients. They can also prescribe medicine for patients to take and recommend some food and health-related product for patients. Additionally, they can guide people on how to eat healthily and how to exercise properly and effectively.

  How should schools teach students to live healthily?

  Schools can set classes to teach students both theoretically and practically how to lead a healthy lifestyle. In these class teachers can encourage students to write down their bad habits and choose each to correct in every week. Also, schools can add more PE lessons and offer students a broader range of choices, so that students can choose their favorite and most suitable ways to exercise, because doing exercise regularly is the key to maintaining healthy.

  What do people in your country do to maintain health?

  In my country, people maintain healthy by doing exercise and controlling what they eat. For example, many people are used to swimming every morning. Many cities in my country have public swimming pools. Apart from that, some people jog in the evening because it does not take up their work time. What's more, some people consult doctors regularly for advice on health-related problems. They rely on the expertise of doctors to stay healthy.

  What kind of lifestyle are unhealthy?

  Some people are heavily addicted to cigarettes and often drink excessive alcohol. Sometimes they stay up very late to have parties with friends or play video games. This kind of lifestyle is extremely unhealthy. People can die suddenly because of sleep too little . What's more, having an irregular timetable for sleeping, eating a lot of junk food, doing little exercise and staying in one position for long time to check mobile phones and play computer games all do great damage to our health.



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