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  1. How can we protect old buildings?

  There are numerous ways we can do. Specifically, we should not paint on walls of old buildings or drop litter around. The old buildings can be reasonably used for modern purpose, but they should never be overdeveloped or renovated excessively to lose its original look. In addition, we can also explore the historic significance of old buildings and advertise them to make people aware of how important these buildings were in the past, so that they can develop respect for these buildings and take measures to protect the old buildings themselves.

  2. Why do some people have no interest in history?

  Some people are not interested in history, probably because the history is about things happened in the past. Superficially it has little influence on today's life. Many people are not willing to devote much time to learning history because they think it is worthier to spend time on career and leisure time activities. In other words, they can bring achievements and happiness in a short time. On contrary, learning history requires long time of reading and researching, which seems boring to a lot of people.

  3. How do you learn history?

  I learn history by attending history classes and reading textbooks. I started taking history class since primary school and it lasted until university. Sometimes I also learn history by sightseeing. Many historic buildings and memorials I visited during traveling have significant historic meaning. And I learnt their stories by reading the introduction card or listening to the tour guides. By the way, My dad often tells me about some interesting historical stories from time to time because he is a history fan.

  4. What's the difference between the history taught in primary school and the history taught in high school?

  History taught in primary school is mostly about some easy historical events. They are aimed at increasing pupils' basic knowledge about history. Usually the exams only require that pupils remember the names of important figures. In contrary, the history taught in high school is much more in-depth. High school history classes are designed to help students understand history and be able to analyze it. The most important thing is to take lessons from the history.



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