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  What do you think plays a more important role in a child's development, teachers or parents?

  I think parents are more important in a child's early childhood development. They are there for the earliest and most developmental years. They also teach morals and what's right and wrong. Many life lessons and skills are also acquired from parent-child interactions. Generally, most parents act as role models for children, so their influence is much bigger than teachers'.

  Why are some children more intelligent than others?

  I think intelligence is inherited to some degree. IQ of children is strongly correlated with that of their biological parents. The association even becomes stronger as the children grow older. But genes are not destiny. Some children are born in a rich family and have a more nutritious diet than others, which helps them achieve their full genetic potential and they are likely to be more intelligent than other children.

  Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?

  In my opinion, intelligence is not necessarily related to selfishness. I'd rather say that intelligent people are more individualistic than selfish. Intelligent people can make profits for themselves, but they can also make profits for higher goals. For example, leaders of a country are surely among the most intelligent people of a country, but their primary goal is to make the country better instead of making their own profits. Being selfish or not depends on people's personality and character and has nothing to do with intelligence.



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