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  Who is more likely to make bad decisions, men or women?

  In my opinion, anyone could make bad decisions and could make great decisions regardless of the gender. I have read a report saying that the average person makes 35, 000 decisions a day. Some are quick and thoughtless, like whether to have tea or coffee; others concern the big stuff, like what school you should send your child to or whether to apply for that job. What determines a good decision making is not the gender, but the education background, intelligence, or EQ of a person. It is unfair to say that men are better at making good decisions and vice versa.

  Who will be helpful when making decision in your country?

  In China, if a person is under 24, he or she might ask parents for help before making a decision. Many Chinese people graduate from university when they are 23 or 24. Usually, they will ask their parents for advice on finding a job. Also, opinions of friends are also helpful. Our close friends know us well. Therefore, they can sometimes give useful advice. Also, we can listen to the elders' opinions before we make a decision. They have seen more and they know more. Something that bothers us might be simple for them.

  Do you think it is advisable listening to others' advice when making decisions?

  Before making a decision, we can listen to others' advice, however, we should make our own decision, not just follow people's advice. Others' advice could be taken into consideration. We should think about their words then decide whether to do as they said. When getting advice, we should check if the person has a track record and knows what he or she is talking about. Evaluate the advice we are given, especially if it is detrimental to our future, health, life, business or any other aspect of our world. Rather than blindly following someone's directions, use our own judgment first. Remember, not all advice is equally as good or bad for everyone.

  When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?

  Yes, I think so. When young people are to make a decision, they can first listen to some advice

  given by the elder. An old Chinese saying goes like that, "he who does not listen to the old man falls short". It means that young people should listen to the elder. The elder generation has gone through more than us. They might have formed their own wisdom of life. Young people have less social experience than the elder. Therefore, if the elder is willing to share their wisdom with us, we should be grateful and listen to them carefully.

  Should we trust the advice given by strangers for making decisions?

  In my opinion, we should not trust the advice given by strangers. Here I define stranger as someone we have never heard of and have never seen before. We should not listen to them. The society is really complicated. Trust is earned not given. Of course, we should not trust a stranger immediately. Therefore, his or her advice should not be taken into our consideration before we make some decisions. We can never tell if a stranger is a good person or a bad person. It is safer for us to keep cautious.



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