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  Are you good at handling problems on your own?

  Yes, I am good at handling problems on my own. If I have a problem, I would try my best to handle it by myself rather than ask someone else for help. I think the key is to be clear about what the problem is. It is also important to stay calm. For problems revolving around stressful, complex situations like having my car break down, the best place to start is by staying calm. I will not panic or let myself feel like the whole world is ending. So far, I've managed to get past every other problem in r life and the sun keeps rising.

  What are the common home appliances that people use these days?

  Nowadays, I think one of the most important home appliances is the router. With the router, every family member can connect their smart phones to the internet. without the router, family members might quarrel about who can use the computer. What's more, a TV with a large screen is also essential. Family can watch TV together to create beautiful memories. Another home appliance that is important is the refrigerator. In summer, we can get cold drinks from it after a long walk. And we can store fresh fruits and quick-frozen foods.

  When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?

  If an electronic item does not work, at first I will try to repair it. Of course, I can not repair it on my own. I will first contact a repair shop to see if it can be repaired. If it was still covered under an extended warranty, it will not cost any repair charge. What's more, the repair charge is much less than the cost of buying a new one. Also, buying a new one means that the broken one becomes a waste, which is not good for the environment. Therefore, I would buy a new one only if it is unrepairable.

  What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?

  As for as I am concerned, the key is to follow the instructions. We should read the manual instructions carefully before operating the equipment. Also, we should use compatible accessories.For example, we should be cautious when using a third-party charger cord, because they can often damage the phone's ports or cause a device to overheat. If the equipment is small and light, we should handle them gently. Many phones are broken because of falling from the height.Moreover, we should be aware of the fact that if there is a technical problem, kick the equipment or hit it only make the situation worse.

  Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

  Yes, I think so. It can't be argued that modern technology makes life easier and more dignified for most of the people. However, we cannot deny that the advancement of technology has vastly affected the lives of people in another way also. People are always busy with their electronic tools, whether be it their smart phone, laptop, pc or something else. A massive amount of entertainment: TV, music, games and chatting with friends, all can be done without ever having to get up from the couch. Also, now we can buy almost everything online. Many people can just get everything delivered to their houses without even walking out of the door.



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