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  Where do Chinese people like to travel to?

  I think Thailand is a hot destination for Chinese travelers. Thailand is near China, which means that the flight ticket won't cost too much. And in fact, travelling in Thailand even cost less than travelling to Sanya, a city in Hainan province. In Thailand, travel is cheap and different modes of transportation are readily available. Chinese people like shopping. The markets in Thailand are like no others in the world. Each one has its own distinct characteristics, from the crowds they attract to the items which are for sale. Some markets are dedicated to street eats while others are chock full of antiques and secondhand items.

  What are the disadvantages of working overtime?

  First of all, working overtime reduces the quality of life. People can only be in one place at a time, and if you are working late, you are missing something else. In addition to losing time with family and friends, you may be more irritable toward them when you do have time off. Balancing work and life is hard enough, even without the added constraints of overtime. Moreover, working overtime is bad for health. The stress associated with working overtime can lead to stomach problems. Studies have also shown that those working over 7 hours a day over an extended period of time are 60 percent more likely to have heart problems.

  Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?

  Firstly, when you go away for the holidays you are limited by traffic, flight schedules and extended family schedules. When you stay home for the holidays it is just you and your family. You can do whatever you want. Secondly, you always lose a day or two in travel time. When you stay home for holidays, you get those extra two days to relax and enjoy your time off. What's more, traveling can be so stressful. During holidays, there will be thousands of people in tourist attractions. You can avoid all the problems by just staying at home for the holidays.

  What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?

  There are a lot of activities people can do for holidays. For example, they can go on an adventure with a friend. Grab a companion and try to find cool new places to explore. They can visit a town they have never been to, or go for a walk in the forest. What's more, they can do something sporty. They can ride bikes, walk, play the favorite sport or even try a new one. Any of these sorts of activities are a good way to get healthy. Also, during the holidays, they can try to learn something new.

  Do people in your country like to have holidays?

  Of course, they do. Who on the earth would hate holidays? In holidays, we can get away from work or study, and just enjoy ourselves and have fun. What's more, it is a great opportunity for us to spend some quality time with our families. We need to relax after a long time of hard work. Good relaxation can help us do better in the following work. In China, we have many traditional festivals. The most important one is the Spring Festival. We will have at least 7 days for a holiday for the family reunion and celebrating the new year.



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