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  Is listening to speeches important to children?

  Yes, I think so. Children should listen to speeches if they have the opportunity. For one thing, good speeches can widen the scope of knowledge. Children can learn more from the speeches. What's more, listening to speeches can cultivate them to become a better listener. Therefore, they can have a better performance in the classroom. When they focus on the material presented in a classroom, they will be able to identify not only the words used in a lecture but their emphasis and their more complex meanings. They will take better notes, and will more accurately remember the instructor's claims, information, and conclusions.

  In what occasions would you be a good listener?

  Firstly, I am a good listener when someone is telling me his or her stories. When people are upset, I won't interrupt them or try to direct them away from their emotions. I help direct them towards their emotions. Usually, I would say, "tell me more about that," or "how is that for you?" So they can expand upon how they are feeling. Secondly, I am a good listener when someone is assigning me a task. I would carefully listen to every detail, his or her requirement, and what I should do.Thus, I can accomplish my task.

  Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?

  It depends. Some people are confident in public speaking. Generally, Chinese people are taught not to show off in public. Therefore, sometimes, they will feel nervous when it comes to public speaking. They will concern that others are judging them. Some of them are fine talking to small groups. But when it's 50 or 100 people, they get really anxious. However, I think there are many benefits of public speaking as it's a great way to gain exposure, self-confidence, and success.Every great speaker started out as a poor one, what made them a success was their willingness to take a chance, try again, and view every opportunity as a learning experience to becoming great.

  What's required to be a good speaker?

  In order to deliver speeches well in public, I think there are two key points to keep in mind. To start with, practice as much as you can before going on stage. As the old saying goes, "practice makes perfect." Only through repeated training will you be confident to make gestures naturally while remembering what to say next. In addition, I think it vital to believe yourself and speak loud to the audience. It matters how the audience reacts to your speech, but it is the last thing to consider when you are on stage because you tend to get disturbed. In general, practice and self-confidence construct a wonderful speech.

  What kinds of people should be invited to give a speech?

  This is an interesting question with a relatively simple answer: the kinds of people who can deliver value to the audience. People are invited to speak for a number of reasons, but it always relates in some way to their real and perceived ability to deliver value to the audience. In my opinion, if someone has achieved a high stature in his or her field and have a good communication skill and is able to comprehend the issue in an impeccable way, he or she should be invited to give a speech. Otherwise, the speaker might just waste the audience's time.



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