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  1.How much do you know yo ?

  To be honest,my neighbours and I only have a nodding acquaintance We don't really communicate that often because there are not many common activities to do together in my neghbourhood.

  2.Do you think neighbours should help each other?

  Absolutely, neighbours are the people who live just next door to you.If you have any kind of emergency,they are the people that actually will jump up and give a hand to you. In this regard,neighbours should help each other.

  3.Do you see your neighbours often?

  Not really. My neighbours are all busy businessmen.I don't see them too often.I probably only see them twice a week in the corridor.

  4.Do you get along with your neighbours?

  Yes, I really respect my neighbours. There are not any problems between us. In China,we have an old saying that goes like this,"a far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbour". From that old proverb you can see people really respect their nelghbours in Chinese culture.

  5.What would be the problem between you and your neighbours?

  There is not really a problem between my neighbours and me. If I had to mention one,I would say it would be the amount of noise I hear from them. One of my neighbours always likes to play music really loud.Sometimes, it can be disturbing. Apart from that,everything else is fin .



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