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  1.What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

  I would say that most people travel by bus, which is probably the cheapest way to get around. There are lots of different routes and the schedules are pretty convenient, although at peak times the buses can be absolutely packed!

  2.How often do you take buses?

  I take the bus every day to get from home to university. There's a bus stop quite close to where I live so I don't have to walk very far in the morning – and it's only about a ten-minute walk when I get to the other end.

  3.Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

  Trains are the best way to travel long distances in China with a reasonable level of speed and comfort. Travelling by train is not expensive, either. Air travel is becoming more popular as it's faster, but it's a bit of a rigmarole when you have to arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time. There's a lot of waiting around – and flights are often delayed, which makes the situation even worse.

  4.Is driving to work popular in your country?

  Some people drive to work but there is so much traffic that it can actually be faster to take public transport. If you drive, you also need to find somewhere to park when you arrive at your destination – and that can prove difficult.

  5.Do you think people will drive more in the future?

  These days, more people have their own cars than in the past, so driving to work is definitely becoming more popular. This is just making the traffic situation worse, though, and it's adding to the problem of pollution. Having your own appeals to a lot of people, though, as it makes you more independent.

  6.Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

  Even though more people have their own cars these days, bicycles are still extremely common in China. I used to ride a bike when I was younger, but I prefer to take public transport when I'm travelling around my hometown. Riding a bicycle on busy streets during rush hour is not an enjoyable experience – the pollution is terrible and there are a lot of accidents.

  7.What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?

  Hopefully, in the future, more people will choose to use public transport such as buses or subways. A lot of research is currently being done to improve the transportation systems we have in place at the moment. We need to look for ways to reduce the number of vehicles on the road and making public transportation cheap, convenient and environmentally-friendly is the best way to try and encourage people to use it.

  8.Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

  At the moment, I definitely prefer private transportation because it's so much more convenient. Even though it's much more expensive to maintain your own car, most people really value the independence it gives you.



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