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  1.How often do you meet with your family?

  Well, I live with my mother and father, so I see them every day. They work very long hours, though so we don't have the chance to spend much time together. When I was younger, my grandparents used to look after me so that my parents could focus on their careers.

  2.How do you spend the time with your family? Do you want to live with your family in the future?

  As I said, I spend very little time with my parents because they are always so busy. I visit my grandmother regularly – we have lunch together twice a week and I help her with the shopping. Most young Chinese people live at home until they get married. I don't even have a boyfriend at the moment so I think I'll be living here for some time!

  3.Are you close to all of your family members?

  Just my grandmother, really. She was responsible for bringing me up so we developed a very close relationship. We have very similar personalities though, which can cause some problems!

  4.How has your family influenced you?

  My grandmother is more like my mother, really. We did everything together when I was growing up. We would play together all day – as I had no one else to play with. She used to tell me wonderful bedtime stories, we would bake cookies together and she was always there for me no matter what happened.



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