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  1. What's your favorite color?

  2. Are there any colors you dislike (Why?)

  3. Are colors important to you?

  4. Were colors important to you when you were a child?

  5. When you are buying something, is the color important to you?

  6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

  7. Is color very important to you when you are buying clothes?

  8. Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colors?

  9. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?

  10. What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

  11. Is there any color you would not want your walls to be? (Why?)

  12. Do you think different types of people like different colors?

  Sample answers:

  1.My favorite color is blue, it is the color of depth and stability. Blue symbolizes wisdom, confidence and intelligence. And I don't like the pink because it is too girly.

  5.I suppose so. You know, different color conveys different meaning to people. Red represents passion and enthusiasm while green means energetic. So I always choose the suitable colors for things.

  6.Well, yes, I have several clothes in blue, which can bring calm and tranquil feelings to me. I believe that blue is always fashionable in men's outfit.

  8.If I were to choose between the two, I'll probably go with dark because I believe dark represents stability and wisdom, for example I always choose the dark outfit in my office to highlight my profession, whereas light suits juvenile better.

  9.Yes, there are many colors that have special meaning in my country such as black, which would make people think of mystery. Also like red, it means lucky and good fortune in China, when it is New Year, people like to wear red clothes, set red firecrackers and give red pocket money to children.

  10.I would like to paint my walls in light yellow or light blue because light colors convey warm and calm to me which should be suitable for household.

  12.Yes, I believe different people have different psychological demand for colors. Some need peace of mind, whereas others may feel like energetic and rebellious.



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