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  1.Do you like to take photographs ? (why ? )

  Yea I do,I think photography is a really awesome thing,especially among young people now,many people of my age spend lots of money and effort getting into photography,and it becomes a trend.

  2.Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery ?

  I love document scenery.I am lucky enough to live in Beijing and could never get bored looking at my own hometown.

  3.Are there any photos on the walls of your home ?

  No.I always want to put some of my favorite photos on my bedroom walls. But mum thinks it will take the paint off and damage it. I tried duct tap,it lrft a residue,and I tried double side sticky tape and it doesn't come off very clean.

  4.Is photography a popular hobby in China ?

  Yes. Photography gives people a chance to document every detail of the surroundings he was in during a trip.The small snapshot or photograph can enrich and refresh the memories of the travelling. Moreover,many people would like to buy a single lens reflex camera to take high qualified pictures.

  5.Do you think being a photographer would be a good job? (why?/why not? )

  Yea I think it would be a really cool job because I can meet a lot of beautiful models and visit many places.I also think it's quite meaningful because you're helping people to capture their brightest moments in life.



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