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  1.Do you often invite friends to visit your home?

  Yes, all the time. I'm a pretty sociable kind of person and I love to entertain, so I often invite friends around for dinner at the weekend.

  2.Do you prefer to have friends visit you or relatives?

  Friends, definitely! You can choose your friends after all – but you can't choose your family! My friends know exactly what to expect when they come for dinner. They always bring a bottle of wine or a dessert or something – they make some kind of contribution to the meal – and they know that I'll make an effort to put on a good spread, even if it's just something simple like a barbecue. Family gatherings are usually much more stressful!

  3.What do you usually do together with your visitors?

  Well, we like to get together over dinner and just enjoy chatting over a long, lazy meal. After dinner we sit around and have a few drinks, maybe listen to some music. Depending on which friends are visiting, we might play a game like mahjong.

  4.When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

  As I said, it's mostly about the meal. I like to take my time and try to make something really special when I have people around for dinner. I try to make sure that my guests always feel welcome – and even though they usually offer, I'm happy to leave the washing up until the next day!



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