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  1.How often do you go holiday?

  "I usually go on holiday twice a year to Hainan,which is an island at the southem tip of China.I love sunbathing on the beach and drinking cocktails. My favorite hotel is right on the beach where it is reasonably peaceful."

  2.Where do you usually go ? / Tell me more about you usually go.

  "I usually go to places near Urumuqi.There are many interesting places outside the city,I like to relax and take photographs at the Heavenly Lake and Southern Pastures. Many people like to have their photographs taken here,so maybe I could do this as a job, not just a hobby."

  3.Who do you prefer to go with?

  "I prefer to go with friends who are interested in photography and history, because the areas outside Urumuqi are historical and beautiful. especially the Heavenly Lake and Southern Pastures.We like to sit down in the countryside,have a picnic and chat on a beautiful sunny afternoon."

  4.What do you like to do on holiday ?

  "I like to lake photographs and visit interesting historical places. Sometimes, I like to relax on

  a beach or in a bar. I don't like to use too much energy on holiday. It's a time for relaxing."

  5.If you could go to any foreign country for a holiday,where would you go?

  "I would like to go to Japan with my girlfriend. She wants to pick up some fashion ideas in Tokyo whilst I'm interested in climbing Mount Fuji.Some people might think strange it's go on holiday with someone then not spend all the time together. The thing is that we both enjoy photography, but she prefers fashion photography whereas I prefer photographing the scenery."



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