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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1.How often do you watch TV?

  I watch TV between 10 and 12 a week. It depends a lot on my schedule and on the tune of year. In summer,I watch less TV because I go out with friends. Sometimes, we watch TV at restaurants , but not friends' homes.

  2.What kind of programmes do you watch?

  I like the historical dramas, folk music performances and military displays that are often on Chinese TV. Many people think they are boring, but I like them.My favourite programme "Professor Zhao Investigates". It is shown every evening on Shanghai Television. The young professor hunts criminals in Shanghai.The stories take place in the 1920's.

  3.Is watching TV a popular thing to do in your country?

  Yes. We can even watch TV at bars and restaurants. People want to know what is happening in the world. TV can tell us that easily. There are so many TV channels in China,but not all of them arc national channels. People can easily find something they like to watch.

  4.Do you often talk about TV programme with friends?

  Not much. We normally talk about our work and families. We might talk about some issues that have been discussed on TV, but not the programmes.

  5.Do you think that you watch too much TV?

  Yes and no.I watch about five hours a day. I like to relax and watch TV in the evenings. There are some very interesting programmes on. I always watch the news, because I am very interested in world events and what is happening in China.So I do watch a lot of TV, but I know more about the world than most young Chinese people, so I don't really think I watch too much TV.



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