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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Topic:Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown.

  You should say:

  where the shop is

  when it opened

  what it sells

  and how you feel about the shop.

  Sample answer:

  Last year,during the summer, my hometown Quanzhou had its first Apple store,which was located in the city center. The Apple store is on the ground floor of Wanda shopping mall. Since my hometown is a small place where used to be famous for fishing and agriculture,many people in my hometown still have no sense to the smart phones.Apple store's existence has become a unique landmark,which attracts hundreds of locals to visit it everyday.

  Of course Apple store sells various kinds of its own brand electronic devices,especially focusing on iPhones,iPads,Macbook laptops,and Apple watches. On the other hand, it provides different fields of service. For example,Genius Bar help customers deal with any possible hardware issues or Workshops help customers learn about Apple devices better in order to maximize the usage of products. In addition,on one side of the store,we can purchase some accessorles.

  Personally,I was excited because I am a huge fan of Apple company.The devices it brought to our world and the technology it showed to our society have massive impacts on people's life, not only met our needs but also improved our life quality.



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