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  不许使用手机的场合Describe a situation you were not allowed to use your cell phone

  Where was it

  When was it

  Why you were not allowed

  What did you want to do with your cell phone


  Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives that,today, we cannot think of a life without the cell phone.There are many places, where the use of a cell phone is very disturbing. For example, in religious places like temples, restaurants and hospitals.

  Here, I would like to talk about a situation when I was not allowed to use the cell phone.Last month, my aunt had come from the UK to spend a few days with us and do some shopping for her daughter's wedding.We decided to go to the Golden Temple Amritsar on the weekend.I remember vividly, there was a long queue to enter the main building.Our turn came after one hour's wait.Just as we entered the main prayer hall, my phone started ringing.Everybody turned to look at me as if I had committed a crime.I had forgotten to turn my cell phone off.There were notices all around that cell phones had to be turned to the silent mode before entering the hall.I cut the call and immediately turned off my cell phone.I felt very embarrassed.There were so many people there but nobody's cell phone was ringing. After doing the circumambulation of the holy book, we came out. Then we went to the community kitchen, where food is served round the clock.After another one hour, we came out of the main building of the temple, and then Iswitched my cell phone back on.There were four missed calls from my cousin.I called her and told her why we didn't answer her calls. She understood.

  So this was the situation when I was not allowed to use my cell phone.



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