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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a popular swimming place.

  what it looks like

  what kinds of people swim there

  why people like to swim there


  Swimming is a very relaxing exercise. There are three swimming pools in my home town. One is in the Latitude Gym. Another one is in the City Club and the third one is in The J.C.T.Mill. Here I am going to talk about the JCT mill swimming pool. This is the best swimming pool in my hometown.

  The pool is free for the employees of the mill and their families but outsiders need a special permission. This pool is situated inside the mill. It is very beautiful. It is very neat and clean. The water is filtered every week.

  That is why most people like to go there instead of other places. I also go there with my friends during the summer vacations. There are 5 trainers who teach swimming. The fee for learning swimming is also very nominal. There are shower rooms for people to change and take bath later on

  The pool has different depth levels on different sides. Beginners are only allowed the shallow side. The maximum depth of this pool is 16 feet

  There is also diving facility. So, this is the swimming pool which I like the most.



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