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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an interesting conversation or speech that you've heard.

  You should say:

  Who was talking

  What the talk was about

  Where you heard it

  And explain why the talk was interesting / what you learned from the talk.


  Ok right then, well I've decided to talk about a speech I once heard that left a really deep impression on me, and it was by a guy called Li Kaifu, who I'm not sure if you've heard of before, but he's one of the most accomplished and respected businessmen here in China, which is why I made the effort to listen to what he had to say. And I listened to it at home on my computer, cos I was lucky enough to find an mp3 recording online of a speech he once gave at Beijing University.

  But anyway, as for what he talked about, well it was quite a while ago when I heard it, probably about two or 3 years ago, so I can only remember bits of it, but in a nutshell, it was about success and how we can go about achieving it. So for example, one thing he touched upon was how we should all follow our dreams, instead of simply doing what other people expect of us. And hearing this from Li Kaifu really made me believe in the truth of that statement, because he's speaking from experience.

  So I thought it was really informative and I was able to learn a tremendous amount from it, such as, you know, how to be successful in what we do, and also what values we should live our lives by. What else?……um……Oh yeah, and another thing that made his talk especially interesting was the fact that he used a lot of stories. So I mean, even though his talk went on for over an hour or so, I didn't feel bored at all listening to it. So um yeah, that's pretty much everything I can remember about it. Thanks for listening!


  How we can go about achieving it…… = 我们怎样去做才能做得到

  Touch upon = 提到

  They attribute their success to the fact that …… = 将他们的成功归因于……

  Informative = 增进知识的

  His talk went on for over an hour = 他的演讲延续了一个多小时

  ……or so = 左右

  What else?…Oh yeah, = 还有什么?……啊对了…..(这话是自言自语的)

  that’s pretty much everything I can remember about it = 我能记得差不多就这些!



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