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  Topic:Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future

  You should say:

  Where you want to go

  When you would like to go

  What you can do for the holiday

  Who you would like to go with

  And explain why you want to have this holiday

  Sample answer:

  I always have a dream to visit Alaska in Winter to see the Polar light once. Alaska,where is famous for natural scenery,is the largest state in United States by area.It is situated in the northwest extremity of North America. The temperature there mostly remains below zero degree Celsius,which leads to the fact that the majority parts of state are usually covrered by snow.I wish I can travel to Alaska during the future Winter break even though it would be the coldest period in a year, because to see a real aurora will be one of the best moments in my life.

  In order to accomplish this trip,it is necessary to have enough preparations,especially for self-protection,like preparing enough clothes to stay warm and learning self-salvation when accidents happened. The best partner I can think of would be my girlfriend. It would be a fantastic experience to memorize for both of us. Imaging that together we traveled such North to see such magnificent landscapes with our lovers, nothing can be better than this.

  Every time I saw aurora was either pictures in magazines or geographic channels on TV,I long for seeing and standing in front of polar light once for telling myself "Oh my god,I see it for real". It is something that human cannot create and normal people cannot see often. It is magic that nature performs.On the other hand,Alaska is a perfect place to enjoy the winter,the snow,the mountains,the forest,and everything together become the wonderful landscapes.



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