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  Describe a place to relax.

  You should say :

  where the place is

  What is it like

  how to spend time there

  explain why you can relax there.

  Sample answer:

  When I want to have a rest,I usually go to the rooftop of my dormitory building. Several iron tubes above the floor which is covered by small red tiles , and the rooftop is surrounded by one meter tall wall. For most occasions,it is clean and quite,so that I can stand there leaning the wall or sit on the floor without anything going through my mind. The day time is longer during the summer,so when I leave the class,I can go to the rooftop to see the beautiful sunset and enjoy the cool wind. In the winter,I usually go there during midday so I can bath myself with the warm sunshine.Even if the weather was cloudy or foggy, the mountains and trees around would clear your mind.

  Sometimes I go there with my friends. We can have a little chat,complaining,gossiping.If we don't have class or work tomorrow,we may have a little party on the rooftop. Some people will carry chairs and tables to the rooftop;the others go to buy some snacks and drinks,so we can have fun and release our stress together.



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