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  Topic:Describe a gift you gave to someone.

  You should say:

  What the gift was

  Who you gave it to

  Why you gave it

  And explain whether this person liked the gift or not.

  Sample answer:

  Alright,so,the gift I'm going to talk about is a scarf that I gave to one of my high school classmates.

  The person I gave it to was one of my closest friends back at high school whose English name is Nancy. We were both fans of doing hip-hop dance. For this reason,we just ended up spending tons of time together.

  The gift I gave her was a blue,woolen scarf. In fact,I gave it to her on her 17th birthday,which was February the 26th. The reason why I chose the scarf as a gift was that she had been complaining a lot about how freezing our classroom was and she had caught a bad cold a couple of times before. Because of this,I believed it would be a great idea to give her a scarf,especially a woolen one,cause it was much warmer.

  Anyway,how she reacted to the gift …Vell,she was pretty happy with it and wrapped it around her neck right away. What she said was that it was a really warm gift that she was pretty thankful for.I felt quite content when she said so,cause that was exactly what I hoped she would feel.



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