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  Topic:Describe a foreign country that you want to work in.

  You should say:

  where you would like to go

  what kind of work you would like to have

  when you would like to go

  and explain why you want to work in that place.

  Sample answer:

  The country that I am yearning for working in is Holland, which is named a country of windmills,and the ideal work I would like to have is teaching Chinese as foreign language,because it is my major and I think It is interesting and meaningful,which will be popular in Holland.

  I decide to work there for a while after finishing my study overseas.

  The reason why I am looking forward to working there is because of a TV program on traveling. I remember it was a day in my summer holidays, I was staying at home and watching TV,suddenly,I was attracted by a spectacular view on the screen. I cannot take my eyes off it! It was a traveling show about Holland,and I cannot help myself following the tour guide of the program to explore the local conditions and customs of Holland.

  It was the world's most powerful maritime hegemony (海上霸主) and has been hailed as a sea coachman (海上马车夫) on the 17th century. It is famous for seawall(海堤),windmills and tulips. The tulips there have different colors,and each color represents different meanings.I particularly like white tulips,which have a flower language of pure. Moreover,the ethos of tolerance has attracted thousands of tourists and overseas students. It is really a braw place that I wish I could work there for a short time.



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