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  Topic:Describe a tall building you like or dislike.

  You should say:

  what the building is

  where the building is located

  how you got to know the building

  and explain why you like or dislike this tall building.

  Sample answer:

  During my summer vacation to Shanghai,I jointed the grand opening celebration for Shanghai Disney Resort and also visited some famous landmarks in Pudong district. Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower , the earliest landmark in Shanghai,is located in the financial area of Lujiazui, on the edge of Pudong District.

  Oriental Pearl Radio & TV tower was the highest building in China until 2007 and it is a magnificent piece of art work because no building in history could be such aesthetical appealing.Tower has a unique shape, with a number of spheres punctuating the tower's various sections. In its spheres,there are 360 degree sightseeing spot areas,the revolving restaurant,space module,hotel bedrooms and even a small museum. Standing and facing the opposite of the time-honored and western-styled architectural complex lined along the Bund,this Tower is considered as the best sightseeing spot in Shanghai. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors every year.

  Everyone in China was talking about the Oriental Pearl Tower after it was completed in 1994.My parents showed me its pictures on the newspaper,which suddenly became the place I would like to visit most in Shanghai.



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