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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Topic:Describe a science that you are interested in.

  You should say:

  what branch of science it is

  when you studied it

  how you studied it

  and explain why you are interested in it.

  Sample answer:

  I would like to talk about chemistry,a branch of physical science (自然科学) that studies the composition,structure,properties and change of matter (物质).

  Chemistry is a compulsory course for third-year junior school students and for all senior high-school science students. I,of course,studied it since the last year in junior high school.

  In high schools,most students are apt to learn chemistry by doing numerous quizzes, some

  even by rote (死记硬背).I,instead,took a unique approach.Before each class,I would get fully prepared;do my best to find the law(规律)of reaction among the atoms (原子),molecules(分子) or chemicals bonds(化学键) etc,and search relevant information online. Also,I watched videos of cutting-edge (尖端的) scientific discoveries and intriguing/compelling/scintillating (有趣的)stories of the scientists mentioned in the chapter I was going to study. Apart from those,I engrossed myself in chemical experiments,as long as I was available.

  In my first Chemistry class,I was fascinated by the structures,shapes,colors,and smells of chemicals my teacher showed to the class. Ever since then, my passion/zest(极大的兴趣) for chemistry has been ignited. I very much wanted to delve into(钻研),and unveil the myth of (揭开神秘面纱),Chemistry.



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