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  Topic:Describe a time you missed an important appointment.

  You should say:

  when and where it happened

  what the appointment was for

  what happened when you missed it

  and explain how you felt about missing the appointment.

  Sample answer:

  To me ,the most regrettable moment is that I missed an appointment with Jie , my best friend in the high school. The original purpose for our appointment was to discuss which city we would like to spend our college life in. We had an agreement before , and it was that even though we did not go the same college , our universities in the same city would be acceptable.

  On June 7th ,2012 ,Jie told me to meet him in the Starbucks near our high school and he said in the phone that his parents decided to let him study in the U.K. The moment I heard the news,I was so angry that I thought his studying aboard had been planned for a while ,which he just never mentioned to me. At that time ,I was really disappointed about him and did not want to meet him.

  After that , we never talked to each other and I did not send him any good wish messages when he left to the U.K. Now I feel I was so stupid at that time ,and have no ideas for rebuilding our friendship. To me, I am really afraid of the silence between us once he answered my phone.



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