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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Topic:Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently.

  You should say:

  what you did

  when and where you did it

  who you did it with

  and explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.

  Sample answer:

  There is an interesting thing that I usually do in my spare time, it is baking. I have been doing it since last summer and I was inspired by an American drama called "Two Broke Girls"The dream of this two girls is to own a large bakery; thus they bake cupcakes for sales to earn extra money.I then found out some recipes from internet,and bought some equipment for baking.I baked with my best friends who has the same interest with me.

  In order to make delicate and pretty cupcakes,we have to follow every step from the recipe strictly, and we have to put all the ingredients carefully,for example the percentage of sugar and flour should be measured discreetly (小心翼翼的). Furthermore,the temperature of the oven and the timing are the key elements to succeed. It is fun to blend all the ingredients together and pour it into the mould (模具). However,after we opened the oven door,my friend and me were laugh out loud since the cupcakes were over heated and they all turned burnt.

  Although we didn't succeed at the first time,but the process was full of fun and the experience is precious.



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