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  1.Do you think new parents should get training courses in dealing with children?

  Yes because these days children are quite typical, very hyperactive, ask typical questions that sometimes parents get baffled. So dealing with their mindset and simultaneously nurturing them, these days parents require a certain skills for growing their children.

  2.What are a good parent's characteristics in your opinion?

  They should be polite and at the same their threat also should be there in their children's eyes about doing any wrong things. Furthermore,they should have discipline when their kids are in their surrounding.

  3.When is the prefect time to get married? Why??

  when we become capable of feeding and comforting at least three people that is the time of thinking to get married. Moreover, the commitment, and mutual tuning and adaptability in relation also matter to have in a person before to make up mind to get married.

  4.What types of toys should parents buy for their children?

  Well, most parents tend to buy toys that their children want, or toys that they think their children might like playing with. It's always been like that. When I was a child I can remember asking my parents for specific toys, I would see something I liked and I would want it – and tell them about it.

  They also bought other toys for me which I didn't ask for, and most of the time I liked them, too.

  I don't think you can just mandate to parents to buy just a certain type of toy – it's important that toys are not just about fun but they can also be used to stimulate the interest of a child and each parent needs to take the interests of their child into account when considering which toys they are going to buy for their child to play with.

  5.Are candies a good reward for children?

  NO,they are not.When a child is rewarded at school by their teacher, at home by their parent, at an after school activity by their coach - you can do the math. It will become obvious that their intake of refined sugar and empty calories amount to way more than intended.

  The second issue of concern is the message this reward practice sends; kids associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This message becomes imprinted in their mind, translating into behavior pattern.When you were a child you were taught to relate feeling happy and excited with eating sugar. Therefore, when you are feeling sad and yearning that state of mind of happy thoughts, you reach for sugar to deliver it.



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