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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1.How can we encourage people to eat more healthily?

  I think the best approach is to have everything in moderation … processed food won't kill you if you only eat it occasionally … but people should also be encouraged to eat a balanced diet … try to cook fresh ingredients at home a few times a week …

  2. Do you think people enjoy their food as much as they should?

  I don't know really … I suppose it's true that people will often eat a quick snack because they're bored not because they're dying of hunger … and often they just bolt it down and don't savour it … so yes … perhaps we could take more time over our food …

  3. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?

  Well … whether you follow a recipe or make something up as you go along … I think cooking is a very creative process … and cooking for other people is a particular pleasure … there's nothing moresatisfying than seeing people you love tucking into something you've cooked yourself …

  4.How technology has changed the way we prepare our food these days?

  Technology and digital media influence the taste, appearance and experience of food more than ever before. More consumers are thinking about how food looks, and how they can make it look, as evidenced by the huge number of photos hitting social media networks every day.This trend has helped democratise culinary creativity; we can't all enjoy foods at top restaurants, but we can all share the inspiration for our own cooking.With the rise of apps and social media has come a rise in self-quantification, and this has entered the food domain.We can monitor our sleep and how we run, but we can monitor exactly what our food intake is as well.A lot of these gadgets and tools are helping us to decide what we are eating.


  to be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more

  to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry

  to bolt something down: to eat something very quickly

  to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry

  to eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and amounts of food

  to eat like a horse: to eat a lot

  to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions

  to foot the bill: to pay the bill

  a fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat

  to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when you're in a rush)

  to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food

  home-cooked food: food cooked at home from individual ingredients

  the main meal: the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening

  to make your mouth water: to make you feel very hungry for something

  to play with your food: to push food around the plate to avoid eating it

  processed food: commercially prepared food bought for convenience

  a quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between meals

  a ready meal: see 'processed food'

  a slap up meal: a large meal

  to spoil your appetite: to eat something that will stop you feeling hungry when it's meal-time.

  a take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home

  to tuck into: to eat something with pleasure

  to wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink

  to work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry



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