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  1. How would you define the word, success?

  2. Has the meaning of success changed in your country in recent years?

  3. What are the necessary qualities for a person to be successful?

  4. How to reward successful people?

  思路解析:成功的话题在part 2讨论都还是比较简单的,因为是描述具体的事件,可能加上一些个人感受就会是很不错的答案了。但是到了part 3 以后讨论一下子变得抽象了,深入了,同时考生们发现泛泛地说几句之后没话说了。这里不妨记住几个要点:

  第一,part 3考察的是你对于抽象问题展开讨论的能力,所以对于不同类型的问题,能否用相对应的句型结构去作答是我们应当去关注的一个要点。

  其次成功的话题,其实在这样一个价值观相对单一的社会(a shared value community),其实大家的观点是比较一致的,那么在考场相对紧张的思考时间里,并不用刻意的去创新观点。原因很简单,你去创新了以后,还是需要去证明,这个时候可能没有办法很好的去说明,反而显得观点非常牵强。

  1. How would you define the word, success?

  对于成功的定义,类似的提问方法可能还有 How to measure a person's success? What kind of person would you consider successful? 但是要注意这里的落脚点是you,也就是说我们可以说不同人对于成功的不同定义,比如有的人觉得金钱money,名誉fame/reputation,社会地位social status很重要,也有人觉得在自己的领域做到最好be the best in something, 可能是商业领域business field,学术领域academic field等等就是成功。当然还有的人觉得家人朋友幸福平安健康,自己每天很充实得度过也种成功。那么你觉得成功是什么呢?

  可以落实到一些具体的小事件上,比如经过自己的努力通过英语四六级(pass the CET band 4 or 6),减肥成功(lose weight),戒烟成功(quit smoking),改掉拖延(procrastination)的坏习惯等等。一定是具体的事件比较好展开。

  但是由于part 3本身也会考察同学们逻辑思维的能力,所以适当的总结是非常必要的。

  Undoubtedly, different person holds different views about success. I guess the majority people would consider success equal money, fame, reputation, and high social status. But I do know some people who pursue different kinds of things, for example, some scholars, they would regard the success as one tiny bit of development in knowing more about the world, in exploring more about the knowledge boundary of human beings. For me, one common creature of a million, I think success means going to bed with this sense of achievement and fulfillment every single day.


  Do you think you are a successful person?


  Well, I have to say i feel I am very successful because my life is on track,and though I have not achieved as much as I would like to have achieved, I am still contented with what I HAVE done. You know, I have been to many countries, and seen lots of the world; I could play a little bit guitar, dance a little tango. Though I haven't made a lot money, but I feel spiritual success, and I guess that's especially important in today's materialistic world.


  on track 走上正轨

  tango 探戈舞

  materialistic world 物质世界

  2. Has the meaning of success changed in your country in recent years?

  变化题是我们part 3的又一大典型题目,对于这种类型的题目,一定要注意时态,同时注意使用各种连接对比的表达,如whereas, while, by contrast等等。这类型的题目的基本答题模式为:回答YES/NO,描述过去whereas描述现在,最后如果考官不打断你,可以适当总结,加强一下自己的观点。

  No, I wouldn't say that. As you know, the community we live today shares the same value. Money and fame equal success. The symbols of success might have changed over the years, but the essence remains the same. For example, in the past, professions like doctors, teachers, and public servants are highly respected and regarded as successful while nowadays, anyone with money will be considered successful. The usual token of that is big house, luxury cars and so on. I guess, that does not change at all.


  In you society, how is a person's status evaluated?


  Well, generally speaking, a person's status is evaluated by his achievement in his/her particular career or field. For example, we could say a writer is successful if his works is well recognized by readers and even get some international rewards, such as Nobel Prize for literature. Also if he or she, through hardworking, creates a large amount of wealth, that is also another standard to evaluate his/her status.

  3. What are the necessary qualities for a person to be successful?

  问qualities类型的题目在我们part 3是比较常规的题目了,我们之前还看到过what are the necessary qualities to be a leader这类型的题目。这类型的题目切记不要单纯地罗列要点,比如你会觉得勇敢brave,诚实honest,果断decisive,包容tolerant,开放open-minded等等,但是只答这些是不足够的,你必须要去解释为什么你觉得这些品质很重要。但是如果每个都解释,又会显得重点不突出,而且可能会有点太冗长了,对语言能力要求也会比较高。这边有两种方法可以供大家参考。

  一是简单陈述一系列的品质,然后重点去讲其中一点。可以用among all of these qualities, X really stands out.

  二是直接去讲你准备重点讲的品质,同样推荐两到三点, 然后分别去阐述原因,举例子,或者用亲身经历去验证。

  This is an interesting question, let me think for a while. Well, I guess if you want to be successful, you have to be brave, decisive, and tolerant, open minded and the list can go on and on. However, we yet see different types of person could achieve various success in different fields. If there is some common quality, I would say, that is open-minded. For example, if you want to achieve something in academic fields, you'll have to embrace different views, sometimes, even opposing views. The same goes in the business world, a narrow minded person might be too stubborn to keep up with the changing demands of the society, thus could not provide corresponding products.


  How do you think a person can become "successful" in life?


  Well, this is a tough question. The ways for person to become successful actually change a lot. But, I guess despite all those changes, hardworking is absolutely necessary for you to become successful. There is no easy success for any one. I know life is tough and unfair, sometimes, as there are people who are born with a sliver spoon. It sounds like there is no guarantee for success. However, if you do not try, the chance will get even slimmer.

  4. How to reward successful people?

  可以算作是提供solution类的问题,怎么样去奖励成功人士。常见的可以使物质奖励material incentive,也可能是名誉奖励enhance reputation,可以提供更多的责任provide more responsibility或者给予更多的认可recognition。当然这些问题需要归结到成功人士需要什么。最好的奖励是他最需要的东西。如果能具体事例或者亲身经历答案会更加精彩哦

  It depends on what they need. Usually, successful people are well off, thus I don't think any material stimulus could excite them anymore. You know, a few extra thousands RMB won't change much of their life. Maybe, reputation or rewards are the best way to reward them. Such as Nobel prize, no matter in what field, this prize is regarded as the highest honor. It represents people's respect and recognition of his work.


  Is failure a necessary thing for a person's life?

  在成功的话题下引出关于失败的问题,那么很自然是引导你去关注两者的联系的。失败对一个人重要么?重要啊,失败是成功的必经之路must, 是成功的踏脚石stepping stone.怎么样去处理失败反应了你对生活的态度,可以套用现在很流行的表达handle crisis的方式也是决定了你成功的可能性。更不同说,经历过失败的挫败感折磨的人更加懂得怎么转变心态,化解负面情绪,具有更强的抗压能力,反脆弱能力,从而能够更加积极对待生活等等都是不错的角度哦。

  Yeah, sure! I guess so. Most people don't like failures, neither do I. But we have to admit it, failures are inevitable part of our life. If we can't change this fact, we might try to change our attitudes towards it. Failures are good in the way that it can actually improve our chance of later success as you will get stronger after frustrations, as you will know how to transfer those negative feelings into positive ones and so on.



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