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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享





  1.Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

  2.How have weddings changed in recent years?

  3.Where do couples in your country usually go for their honeymoons?

  4.Where do you think a newly-wed couple should live, living with their parents or on their own?

  1. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

  这个问题最好用举例子的方式拓展问题,可以用for example, for instance, a typical example is that…这样的方式引出例子,讲完实际的例子后可以表达自己的感受,使语言更生动。





  Sample Answer:

  Weddings in my hometown have many special customs and traditions. One thing I want to share with you is that on the wedding day, the bride's family may act trying to prevent the bride meeting the groom, while the groom's family tries to get the bride into the groom's family home. I think it is the most interesting part of the ceremony.

  2. How have weddings changed in recent years?

  这是一个典型的描述改变类的问题类型,注意时态的转换.在谈到以前的时候可以用 in the past; traditionally, historically; in the last xx years/ decades; 在谈到现在的时候可以用nowadays; at present; in recent years; now; these days…引出具体内容。

  Sample Answer:

  I think weddings in China have changed a lot in recent years. In the past, wedding ceremonies were often conducted in traditional ways. However, nowadays, western weddings have gained much popularity. In addition, wedding expenses tend to increase quite a lot. In the present days, some weddings are really extravagant and the wedding bill could go up to 10 million RMB. It is unbelievable for me!

  3. Where do couples in your country usually go for their honeymoons?



  on a tight budget:预算紧张

  honeymoon destination:蜜月目的地


  fairy-tale theme park:童话世界般的主题公园

  Sample Answer:

  I suppose it depends on their budget. People with different financial backgrounds may choose different honeymoon destinations. In my opinion, a beach holiday is always the most popular choice since it can bring them romance as well as relaxation.

  4. Where do you think a newly-wed couple should live, living with their parents or on their own?

  这是一个询问观点类的问题,注意“I think”的替换表达:

  I hold the opinion that…,

  I believe…,

  I suppose…,

  from my perspective

  from my point of view

  Sample Answer:

  Personally, I believe a newly-wed couple should live on their own. I hold this opinion for two reasons. First of all, newly-wed couples need some private space to enjoy the company of each other. Most importantly, living on their own can help them adapt to their marriage life soon. It can be helpful for the stability of their marriage.



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