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雅思口语解析:A piece of good news

雅思口语解析:A piece of good news

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet

  You should say:

  what the news was about

  when you heard it

  where you heard it from

  And explain why you think it was a piece of good news


  1. 头脑空白:不常关注新闻,所以没有思路 →时常浏览BBC news,哪怕只是看看headline→既可保证思路丰富,也可保障地道英语表达的输入

  2. 新闻话题策略:尽量选取自己相对较熟悉和词汇较丰富的新闻类型→比如男孩子喜欢篮球,那就常关注VOA或BBC上的NBA新闻 →准备时目标明确,描述时困难少,表达时有真实感受→考场上会更有说服力

  3. 最大误区:只一味描述,忘记个人感受→最后一问→扣题点,防走题


  1. news相关语料:breaking news爆炸性新闻、突发新闻、实时新闻, news headline新闻标题,头条, feature专题报道, sensational轰动的

  2. good : amazing, wonderful, excellent, terrific…

  3. feeling:

  adj.: excited, thrilled, cheerful,

  n. : rapture, excitement, joy

  Sample answer:

  Well, this topic does remind me of a piece of sport news I read recently, which totally excited me and I could still remember it clearly.

  It's like a couple of weeks ago, I was browsing the social media to kill time as usual. Suddenly, a piece of breaking news grabbed my eyes, saying that Chinese Women's Volleyball Team back to the World's Top Again. I was shocked and after carefully reading the details, I remember I was quite thrilled because it said that our team overpowered host Japan 3-1 and won its fourth women's volleyball world cup title. That's really something, you know! And it's definitely the best news I've heard about the team since 2008.

  Coz' as a girl born in 1980s, I did witness the ups & downs of this team during past two decades. After their heydays in 1980s & 2004 Athens Olympic Games, this team has experienced frustrating international results due to endless injuries, frequent coach changes & the shortage of emerging talents. Even loyal fans like me, started to lose faith in this group of girls. But at the most difficult moment, the former star spiker, Lang Ping, nicknamed the 'Iron Hammer', stood out and decided to rebuild and lead this squad back to the world's top. Luckily, with the guidance of the "Iron Hammer", the team gradually recovered from the failure and regained their faith & confidence. This time, in Japan, the team of China proved to the world again about how strong & sharp they were. Witnessing my beloved team winning this champion did bring me great rapture.

  Apart from that, informed from the news, I also knew that it was a real tough battle, for this victory was achieved in the absence of three key players, including the former captain. And that's another great proof about the strength, faith & perseverance of the team. No doubt, I am proud of these girls.



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