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  以下四个最常见的Part 3题目,你要怎么回答?

  1. Do people in your country like advertisements?

  2. In what ways do advertisements influence people?

  3. What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today?

  4. Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising?

  Do people in your country like advertisements?



  Advertising provides us with numerous choices and convenience, such as information about discount and special offer in the shopping mall. Also, we can have a better knowledge about each product and when we choose the item, we can become a little bit more professional.


  Yeah, I think Chinese people like to watch advertisement, because we have watched too many advertisements already, and we have gotten used to them. In cannot imagine a day without seeing any kind of advertisement.


  I would say some advertisements are even more interesting than the TV programs, because they invite more celebrities and spend a large amount of money in making them.



  No, not especially. There are too many advertisements nowadays everywhere, which make us feel sick and seriously disturb our normal life. When I wait for a bus in the bus station, I am forced to see a lot of posters on the bus stop signs and listen to station radio broadcasting advertisement.


  I have to say that the commercials seriously interrupt the normal programs. Sometimes they are even longer than the drama. So people in china are always complaining about it and say that it is not commercials between dramas, but drama between commercials.

  In what ways do advertisements influence people?


  Advertisements influence our purchasing habit. People become more concerned about the brand, so normally the famous or foreign brands are more appealing to the customer. Also, people may pay more attention to the products which have the most celebrities to endorse. If more famous people recommend the item, no matter in public activities or just personally use the item in their daily life, people, especially the young, will buy it on impulse.


  Specifically, our eating habit has been gradually changed. The traditional food has been in many cases replaced by the international fast food outlets. We are not just go to KFC or McDonald’s for fun for a few times a year, but many people go there almost every day every meal. I think this is mainly due to the continuing presence of advertisements concerning how delicious and special the food there.


  Advertising mislead us by making us hold a wrong belief that there is a positive connect between the price of a product and its quality, or between the brand name and its quality. Actually, the one with the highest price is the one that devote more fund in promotional activities such as inviting celebrities or sponsoring TV programs in every channel.


  It make most consumers become or seem to become the same, because they tend to buy the same new item by watching the same advertisement. Therefore, our world will become less creative and colorful with everyone dressing the same style of cloth and driving cars from only a few famous brands.

  What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today?


  There are commercials between TV programs.


  When we search information online, a window will pop up to ask you to register for this website.


  The sidebars of newspaper are always full of advertisements.


  When walking on the street, we may be offered leaflets.


  Many shop owners will arrange some posters and boards in front of their shop to attract passers-by to drop in and hopefully to make a purchase.


  Modern people are increasingly annoyed by the telephone advertising. When we are in the middle of some important work, we are be distracted to pick up a call which persuade us to buy some real estate or some financial products.


  People’s phone are full of text messages with various kinds of information regarding every kind of items.


  When people log in an application on the phone, sometimes, they have to read a piece of advertisement or watch a short video for few seconds before using the functionality of this app.


  With more people purchasing items online and having them delivered by the mailing system, we can see more advertisements on the package of our goods.


  Advisers become wiser than before. They know that people are sick of watching too direct advertisement in the middle of some programs, which may cause unexpected negative impacts on the image of the company. They now plant advertisement into the TV drama and entertainment programs. For example, when the host introduce the guests, they may not just stand in a fixed position, but they may walk around a new car or hold a bottle of drink in their hands.

  Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising?



  I believe the most effective promotional approach is computer advertisements. This is because it can be personalized by the searching history of net users, so in the views of both consumers and companies, it is more effective as consumers get the information based on their own interest and companies send their products directly to the target customers instead of randomly spreading their advertisements into all sorts of ways.


  I have to say that commercials are still the most effective way to promote the items even in the internet age. Most people are still interested in watching TV and one or several TV sets are still the main feature of each house.

  And when we are watching entertainment programs, the advertisement will appear just at the perfect moment. For example, in the voice of china, when the singer finally chose his or her tutors between three or four after a heated long discussion and persuasion, people will keep their eyes fixed on the screen and look forward to knowing the result. If the advertisement pop in, we will watch patiently as we are mentally controlled by it.



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