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雅思口语解析:A Time you helped someone

雅思口语解析:A Time you helped someone

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a time when you helped someone.

  You should say

  who you helped

  why you helped this person

  how you helped this person

  and explain how this person benefited from your help/ how you felt when you helped this person






  1. 在学习中,或者在学校里,我们一定帮助过别人,或者被别人帮助过。假如你的成绩比较优秀,你回去帮助成绩一般的同学。假如你体育、音乐等其他科目比较强,也不可避免需要帮助一下你孱弱的同桌。

  In school, I used to be the top student in terms of the exam result. So usually my tablemate come cross any questions on the textbook, he/she will seek for help from me.

  My tablemate do not have the talent in taking exam as me, so I share many of my skills of how to prepare for the exam and how to make better use of time during the revision.


  I remembered, in my second year in middle high school, my tablemate got a serious injury when he played basketball, so he had to spend two weeks in the hospital. In order to keep up with the progress of study in each subject, I took notes for him and after school, I will explain the key notes to him in the hospital and helped him with the assignment. Since then, we became best friends.



  1. 给老外帮助

  Help foreigner during the trip/ on the bus/ when they lost their way

  2. 给家人制定旅行计划、订机票

  Make sound travel plan for family members/ book airplane tickets for parents.

  3. 辅导年纪小的弟弟妹妹

  Help to teach English for my younger sister/ brother/ niece/ nephew



  My parents had never used computers/ mobile phones/ Wechat/ Weibo before, so I help them to surf the internet/ download videos from the website/ post photos on the friend circle (moment)





  原因必然是因为他有困难had difficulty in doing sth. 根据之前说的不同的故事,原因也是不同的



  Financially support the person/ emotionally comfort him/ constantly accompany him/ patiently instruct him



  With my help, the problem had been solved. He was so grateful for what I had done. Since then, he can accomplish the task himself.


  By helping him, I felt a great sense of fulfillment. I somehow figure out the meaning of my existence, that is, to contribute to the well-being of other people, and in this way, to make my life more valuable


  The experience that I would like to describe today is, I think, about five years ago, when I helped an international student in my university to find where his department is. I remembered it was in the midday in a hot summer. So it was really unbearable. When I went back from somewhere to the campus, I saw a black young boy, who was, of course, a foreigner. His name is Ella. And he came from South Africa and he was a kind of lost his way, so he went to the school janitor to ask for the right direction to his department. But, unfortunately, the janitor cannot speak English. Besides, the most challenging part was that Ella himself didn't know where to go because he did not print any of his admission letter or orientation guide with him. Some passers-by tried to help him, but they were confused by what he really wanted to go.

  When I saw him in great trouble as he carried his two big cases with difficulties, I came to him. After I knew his situation, I decided to take him to the apartment where international students normally lived first. When we arrived in the apartment, he was further assisted by the apartment director and other international students and finally found his way to his school.

  All in all, Ella benefited from my help as he successfully found his way to the right place, and for me, it was the first time that I made a foreign friend, so after that, we met several times and establish strong friendship.



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