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  1. When was the last time you worked with a team?

  2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

  3. What's the most important thing for teamwork?

  4. Do you like to be a leader?

  1.When was the last time you worked with a team?

  这是part1部分非常典型的一种考法,会问到你最近的一次发生过某件事情的时间。所以,从时态上来讲,一定是一般过去时,或者可能说到对现在的影响,我们用到一点点的现在完成时。具体到你团队协作的时间,如果你确实记得,那么具体地说一下是最好的。很多时候,我们也不是很清楚的记得了,我们就给一个大概的时间范围就行了,可能是昨天,是上周,是上个月的某一天。Well, I can't clearly remember the exact date, I think it was someday last month, when …

  具体的活动,我觉得可以从三个方面去想:1. 工作上:加入你是班上的班干部,是学生会的负责人,你很有可能会去和你的属下去参与举办一些小型或者大型的活动。比如体育比赛,唱歌比赛等等。I was designated to arrange a sports competition with my team.如果是已经工作的考生,那么就是你单位的某些项目了。你根据真实的情况去描述即可:My team was asked to carry out a project about promoting the sales of one product of my company. 2. 学习上:小组讨论、seminar、presentation等等。Group discussion:classmates discuss a specific questionSeminar:a discussion led by a professorPresentation:investigation into a issue and present the result/ findings by using slides and giving a speech. 3. 生活上:全家人一起做一些事情,比如制定旅行计划,或者为某个亲戚办生日派对等。My parents and I worked together as a team to make a trip plan for our family and my uncle's. 在每一个回答后面,都可以再扩展,可以大概列举一点点的具体的内容,甚至加一些细节。这个根据当时考试的状态来决定。 下面给一个示范回答:

  It was last Wednesday, when I and my teammates were required to do a presentation task about the course regarding environmental change. I was in charge of preparing the PPT slides, and others gave the speech.

  2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?题目里面的工作和学习其实是两件事情,但是,由于是part1的题目,没有必要区分得那么详细,我们简单把一个人学习和小组学习的优缺点都说一下。单独学习:更少干扰:Less distraction, concentrate更好的时间安排:arrange courses according to their own time arrangement根据自己的兴趣:according their one's own interest 小组学习:交流、合作、竞争:communication/ cooperation/ competition有意思::more interesting相互借鉴:draw experience from other members提高效率:improve work/ study efficiency 3. What's the most important thing for teamwork?这个问题本身应该是有很多可以讲的,但是由于是part1的题目,没有必要说太多,大概说一到两个点就可以了。如果你愿意,也可以在每个小点后面简单说一下理由。

  我个人觉得比较重要的有:Commitment:由于是小组任务,需要每个成员多对任务本身有足够的投入。 Each team member should be committed to the task, even sacrifice their own interest when necessaryResponsibility:每个人要对自己的工作负责人,而不是指望别人Task distribution:任务分工要明确,每个人知道自己做什么 task distribution should be clear so that each member know exactly what to do and when their job should be finishedMutual help:成员相互之间要互相帮助,以最终完成实现目标为前提Leadership:有一个明确的,有能力的领导,也是决定成功的关键 a competent leader is also a key to the ultimate success 4. Do you like to be a leader?领导,就是我们刚刚其实提到过的,团队里面的一个非常特殊的成员。因为他要负责整个团队的成功和失败,安排每一个环节。如果你希望成为领导,可能是因为:我愿意管人,天生就具备这样的基因: I like to manage people, I think I was born to be a leader, because I have inherited related gene from my parents, they are both good leader of their companies.我很有责任感I have a great sense of responsibility, I will be much willing to shoulder the responsibility of the achievement of the team or its failure.

  如果不希望成为领导,可能是因为:责任太大,我hold不住: as a leader, one has to assume too much responsibility, which I do not think I am capable to do我喜欢被安排,完成自己的部分就好了,要去管别人,我会有很多的顾虑

  I prefer to be given clear job to accomplish as only part of the whole project. If I were asked to manage a team, I might lead the team to the wrong way.



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