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  1. Are there many museums in your city?

  2. When was the last time you went to a museum?

  3. Do you think museums are important?

  4. Would you like to work in a museum in the future?





  1. Are there many museums in your city?

  解析: 很多考生对国内的博物馆没有太多兴趣,所以对于这一块了解的并不多,但这并不影响我们回答问题。如果我们真的是一无所知,我们可以实话实说,但不建议一上来就说,Sorry, I don't know, because I never go to museums. I think museums are so boring! 当然坦白自己的心声并没有错,不过站在应试的角度,这个策略不太明智。我们知道西方国家有很多很棒的博物馆,而且很多老外来到中国很喜欢去参观我们的博物馆,可见他们对这事儿是挺有兴趣的。如果我们总是说我们学习好忙,那儿无聊浪费时间,这样的谈话就尴尬了是吧。其实我们就算不知道也可以编一些内容出来,考官并不会去真的求证,只要不是过分离谱就行。另外,很多人对于博物馆的认知就仅局限于历史类的,实际上种类繁多,有艺术的,电影的,音乐的,甚至是钢琴博物馆,也有科技类的,比如汽车,飞机,火车博物馆等,还有一些很有意思的,比如军事,包包,泰迪熊,礼服,分手恋人纪念品的博物馆等等。

  Sample answer:

  I hear there's quite a few museums in my city and they are of various sorts, including history, art, science and technology and so on. It's a pity I haven't been able to visit each one of them. I bet they are fascinating.

  2. When was the last time you went to a museum?

  解析:首先,当听到last time就应该意识到这是要考查过去式,动词要注意变型,答案跟问题的时态保持一致是很有必要的。回到本题,有少数同学真的从来没有去过博物馆,所以会回答,Sorry, I never go to museums,这个回答显然不够好,在这种情况下,我们可能就需要适当地编故事了,因为这样才能拓展出更多的内容,从而我们可以更好地展现自己的词汇和造句等语言功力。这只是考试的第一部分,不需要我们长篇大论,所以编故事也不难,只要简要交代一下时间(when),地点(where),涉及的人物(who),去的原因(why),所见所闻(what),以及感受(feelings)或影响(influence)其中的几点就可以了。

  Sample answer:

  Actually, I just visited the Military Museum with my big cousin last weekend. He's a huge fan of things like battles and weapons, so he literally dragged me there. But to my surprise, the trip to the museum was indeed very enjoyable and rewarding.

  3. Do you think museums are important?

  解析:相信绝大多数同学都会说重要,我们也不用为了刻意标新立异而非说不重要,然而很多人在解释why的时候都是说人们可以博物馆里学到很多历史或者知识,除此之外,站在一个城市甚至是一个国家的角度,博物馆也是很有意义的,它们是对历史文化艺术的一种保护(preservation),除了可以教育当地的人民,有助于建立起一种自豪感(a sense of pride),也可以对外起到一个很好的宣传和推广(promote)的作用,也可以促进不同地区和国家的文化交流和理解(enhance cultural communication and understanding)。

  Sample answer:

  I do think museums play a big role in our society. They enable people to open their eyes and enrich their knowledge. Not only that, they have the function of protecting and preserving local history and culture. Museums also help to enhance cultural communication.

  4. Would you like to work in a museum in the future?

  解析:在这个问题上,很多考生又出现了高度的统一,他们一般会说,Of course not, because it's too boring! 好吧,为什么雅思口语的分数常常是5分左右呢,这就是其中的原因了。词汇方面,喜欢就说interesting,不喜欢就说boring,这都是超级common的用词,而评分标准里说得很清楚,对于lexical resources,要求uncommon vocabulary,所以大家平时要多练习造句,争取可以熟练使用我们背过的词汇,然后就可以在考场上脱口而出的是不一样的词汇。回到本题,其实说在博物馆工作boring,具体说来也就是这份工作相对而言不够挑战性(challenging),每天的工作内容大同小异(same work routine),而且薪水也不会太高,所以对于年轻人来说并不是太有吸引力(appealing)。此外,我们也可以说全职(full time)不考虑,但学生时期作为兼职(Part time)也是不错的。

  Sample answer:

  No, I wouldn't want to work in a museum as a full-job job. You know, I'm the kind of people who like to take challenges. Working the same routine day after day is just not my thing. But I wouldn't mind doing it as a part-time job while studying in college.




  children's museum 儿童博物馆

  history museum 历史博物馆 natural history museum 自然历史博物馆

  folk art museum 民间艺术博物馆

  to show local culture

  science and technology museum 科技博物馆

  military museum 军事博物馆

  art gallery 美术馆

  visitors 参观者


  exhibition 展览

  display 陈列;展出

  has a large collection of ...有大量的...藏品

  master piece 大师的杰作


  Open our minds 拓宽我们的思维

  Broaden our horizons 开拓我们的视野

  Many displays are eye-opening. 很多展品令人大开眼界。

  We can learn lots of knowledge. 我们可以学到很多知识。

  entertaining and informative 有趣并且信息量很大

  suits all ages and interests 适合不同年龄段和不同兴趣爱好的人们。

  1 Would you recommend that schools take their students to visit museums?


  Yes, visiting museums can be an educational trip. Museums get students access to the most valuable exhibitions. They can admire stuff like antique, china and bronze figures and have a direct look at the development of history. Also, such kind of activity can arouse students' interests in learning.


  Do you like to go to museums?

  Yes, I'd like to. Museums can make people develop a taste for art and inspire their creativity. Although students don't gain information from textbooks, they could broaden their horizons and enrich knowledge.

  课外学习知识,这条理由,还可以用到很多的地方。比如,参加课余活动,参观美术馆art gallery的好处等等。

  2 What do you think is the role (or the purpose) of museums and art galleries?

  这个题目还可以变成,Do you think museums are important? 我们可以说明一下博物馆的重要性和好处。


  The role of museums and art galleries is to preserve works of art that have historical and artistic value. Also, they enable us to have better appreciation of art which is really important in our life as it inspires us in many ways.

  inspire us 启发我

  reflect the history and evolution of certain country or culture 反应一个国家或文化的历史与进化

  a symbol of the country's heritage 一个国家历史遗产的标志


  Museums and art galleries could not only help people develop a taste for art or gain information about the past, they could also help people unwind and take people's mind away from stressful works or studies.

  3 Which kind of art do you think is more important, the art we see in the cinema or the art we see in art galleries and museums?



  I suppose the art we see in cinema is more important to ordinary people. They are more understandable and relaxing. It's more related to life and can cultivate people's mind. Probably art in galleries and museums targets a smaller amount of people who show great interest in culture or history.


  I prefer the art in galleries and museums because in museums or galleries, you could see those sculptures, paintings, fossils on display for real. Plus you could appreciate those exhibits as long as you would like to.


  I would say they are both important. Museums and art galleries form a vital contribution to the nation's culture and heritage, which means it will be more educational for people. In contrast, art in the cinema gives people a view about entertainment and give us some time to relax.

  4 What form of art in museums do you like the most?


  Painting: ink painting 水墨画

  oil painting 油画

  sketching 素描

  sculpture 雕塑

  artifact 手工艺品


  Probably, it's oil painting that I appreciate the most because those paintings in museums are genuine pieces from master pieces. For me, I feel every stroke is an art and the color they use or the concept behind the paintings can always leave lots of space for me to learn. At the same time, I can learn the skills or crafts they use in their works.



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